LSF9 Installation for Windows - by: Sara C. Kertesz

I am not in any way Lawson certified.  Do this at your own risk.  It worked for me.  If you aren't comfortable doing it on your existing 803 box, you can use a clean box, just install the prereqs (Netexpress, Perl, SQL server w/ the binary mode) 

This document assumes:


In active directory, create 2 network users for LSF9 to use:

username: lawsonbatch

password: lsf9

user is a domain admin and a member of lawdev and Lawson_users

This user will be used for processing batch jobs (just fyi) 

username: LawsonDefault

password: lsf9

user is not a domain admin

This user will be used for single sign on service (just fyi) 

Install java2  You can get this from Sun's webpage

At the first prompt for location use c:\jdk1.5.0_11

At the second prompt for location use c:\jre1.5.0_11

Check Internet Explorer box  

Right click on my computer >> properties >> advanced >> environment variables

Change environment variable %java_home% to c:\jdk1.5.0_11

make %java_home%\bin the first statement in the path 


From a command prompt type: "Java -version" to verify it is correct. (It should show version 1.5.0_11) 

Start >> programs >> Administrative tools >> local security policy >> local policies >> user rights assignment: add lawdev and lawson_group to "allow logon locally"

add lawdev, lawson_group, and lawsonbatch to "log on as batch job" 

Create the directory c:\LSF9prod\web

In IIS, add a website named LSF9, all unassigned IP addresses, home directory = c:\lsf9prod\web, anonymous access, read, run, and execute permissions: scripts and executables 

Create c:\websphereinstall and c:\websphereplugins directories

Copy (downloadable from Lawson website under websphere if you have paid for it) to c:\websphereinstall

Copy (downloadable from Lawson website under websphere if you have paid for it) to c:\websphereplugins 

Unzip c:\websphereinstall\

Unzip c:\websphereplugins\ 

Add/remove programs>>windows components, if Internet Explorer Enhanced security is installed then uninstall it 

run c:\websphereinstall\launchpad.exe

choose "Launch installation wizard for websphere application server network deployment"

choose to install the sample applications

install to c:\ibm\websphere\appserver

choose "application server" as the type of environment

check "enable administrative security"

set administrator name to administrator, both passwords to password

after installation completes, choose "installation verification" 

start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profile management tool>>application server>>advanced profile creation>>check all 3 options>>name the profile LSF9, change install to directory to "c:\IBM\websphere\appserver\profiles\LSF9", check "make this profile the default", change the node name to servernameLSF9, leave host name as the default, LSF9, check "enable administrative security", username is administrator, all passwords are password, default ports, run as windows service w/ local system account, startup type Automatic, do not create a webserver definition, finish (neither option checked)  


run c:\websphereinstall\launchpad.exe

choose "launch installation wizard for web server plugins"

uncheck both options

select Microsoft Internet Information Services v6

choose "websphere application server machine (local)"

change install to directory to c:\IBM\websphere\plugins

location of websphere application server is c:\IBM\websphere\appserver

select LSF9 profile, port 80, name webserver LSF9Web

use default location for plugin-cfg.xml file 

after the wizard finishes, go to IIS and look at the LSF9 website in IIS.  There should be an sePlugins subdirectory indicating that the plugin installation worked 

create the following directories:




start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profiles>>lsf9>>administrative console>>servers>> application servers>>server1>>java and process management>>process definition>>java virtual machine>>custom properties

add the following names /values: 

Name Value
com.lawson.gendir c:\LSF9Prod\gen
com.lawson.lawdir c:\LSF9Prod\law
com.lawson.ladbdir c:\LSF9Prod\db

under the java virtual machine add the classpath - there should not be any spaces:

c:\LSF9Prod\gen\java\jar\lawsonrt.jar; c:\LSF9Prod\gen\java\jar\lawsec.jar;

c:\LSF9Prod\gen\java\jar\lawrm.jar; c:\LSF9Prod\gen\java\thirdParty\ldapbp.jar; c:\LSF9Prod\law\system 

under java and process management>>process definition>> environment entries, add the following entries: 

Variable Value
GENDIR c:\LSF9Prod\gen
LAWDIR c:\LSF9Prod\law
LADBDIR c:\LSF9Prod\db
COBDIR c:\NetExpress\base\bin
PATH c:\LSF9Prod\gen\bin;c:\LSF9Prod\gen\cgi-bin

go to application servers>>server1>>web container settings >>web container transport chains, write down port #s for wcinbounddefault and wcinbounddefaultsecure  

Environment>>virtual hosts

Add a virtual host named LSFProd

Click on the LSFProd virtual host

Click on host alias>>New

Add the following entries: 

Host Name Port
IP address of the IIS LSF9 webserver 80 80
WCInboundDefault Port from web container transport chain above
WCInboundDefaultSecure Port from web container transport chain above

Restart websphere application server 

Start>>programs>>ibm websphere>> profiles >>LSF9>.administrative console>>applications >>enterprise applications >> verify that the default application is started 

Verify that http://serverip/snoop displays request/client information 

In the websphere LSF9 profile, uninstall the default application (under enterprise applications).  Delete all virtual hosts besides LSFProd and admin 

Create c:\BCTestDir

Three files listed here are from the Bouncy castle website:

Copy bctest-jdk15-138.jar to c:\BCTestDir

Copy bcprov-jdk15-138.jar to c:\jdk1.5.0_11\jre\lib\ext

Copy bcprov-jdk15-138.jar to c:\ibm\websphere\appserver\java\jre\lib\ext 

copy local_policy.jar and us_export_policy.jar to c:\jdk1.5.0_11\jre\lib\security (these files are from Sun's website) 

These files are from IBM's website:

copy local_policy.jar and us_export_policy.jar to c:\ibm\websphere\appserver\java\jre\lib\security 

edit c:\jdk1.5.0_11\jre\lib\security\ and add the following line:

security.provider.7= org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider 

edit c:\ibm\websphere\appserver\java\jre\lib\security\ and add the following line : security.provider.9=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider 

right click on my computer >> advanced >> add an environment variable WASJAVA, set it equal to c:\ibm\websphere\appserver\java\bin 

open sql enterprise manager and add databases lsf9_gen, lsf9_logan, lsf9_prod (and any others as needed) data and log files on e:\mssql\data, make lawson the owner of the databases  (You may need to add a user Lawson in SQL if it doesn't already exist) 


from dos go to c:\BCTestDir

run the following commands:

c:\jdk1.5.0_11\bin\java -cp bctest-jdk15-138.jar org.bouncycastle.crypto.test.RegressionTest > crypto.out 2>&1  

c:\jdk1.5.0_11\bin\java -cp bctest-jdk15-138.jar org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.test.RegressionTest > jcecrypto.out 2>&1  

%WASJAVA%\java -cp bctest-jdk15-138.jar org.bouncycastle.crypto.test.RegressionTest > WAScrypto.out 2>&1  

%WASJAVA%\java -cp bctest-jdk15-138.jar org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.test.RegressionTest > WASjcecrypto.out 2>&1 

look at the 4 .out files in the BCTestDir directory.  It is ok if there are some errors in the files, but every file must say DESede : Okay

(DESede is the security algorithm that will be used by LSF9.  It doesn't matter if the other algorithms don't work) 

add the environment variable DatabaseHOME.  Set it equal to c:\program files\microsoft sql server\80\tools\binn  (or whatever directory your sql server is in - this is the default)

add the environment variable LAW_JAVA_HOME  Set it equal to c:\jdk1.5.0_11

add the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH  Set it equal to %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib 

log in to Windows as Lawson  (if this user does not already exist, create it in your active directory w/ domain admin privelages),  password is lsf9 

Install ADAM (available for download on Microsoft's website) 

Start>>programs>>ADAM>>create a new instance

Unique instance, instance name: LSF9Prod, default ports (389 and 636), create a partition, partition name: cn=LSF9servername,dc=domainname,dc=com

Use default installation directories

Network service account, currently logged in user

Import ms-user.ldf 

Start>>programs>>ADAM>>ADAM ASDSI Edit

Right click on ADAM ASDI Edit and choose Connect To

Connection Name: servername(config)

Servername: localhost

Port: 389

Check "Well known naming context" and choose Configuration from the dropdown

Press OK

Expand services>>windows nt, right click on directory service and choose properties

Double click on dsHeuristics, enter the value 0000000001001, press apply, press OK 

Right click on ADAM ASDI edit and choose Connect To

Connection Name: servername

Servername: localhost

Port: 389

Check "Distinguished name (DN) or naming context" and enter


Right click on the cn=LSF9servername,dc=domainname,dc=com container and choose New>>Object>>container, value: People >> Finish

Right click on the cn=People container and choose New >> Object>>user, value: adamadmin >> Finish

Double click cn=adamadmin, double click msds-useracccountdisabled, check False >> Apply >> OK

Right click on cn=adamadmin and choose reset password

Set the password to adamadmin

Under CN=roles right click on CN=administrators and choose properties, double click on member, choose Add adam account, for the value enter:


OK >> Apply >> OK 

Right click on ADAM ASDI edit and choose Connect To

Connection Name: servername schema

Servername: localhost

Port: 389

Check "Well-known naming context" and choose Schema from the dropdown

Double click on cn=organization

Double click on possSuperiors and add "container" without the quotes



log in to windows as administrator

start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profiles>>LSF9>>stop the server

log off windows 

log in to windows as Lawson

create c:\LSFInstall

in DOS go to c:\lsfinstall and type edit installscript.bat

type the following:

set JAVA_HOME=c:\JDK1.5.0_11



set WAS_HOME=c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

set WAS_LOGS=%WAS_HOME%\profiles\LSF9\Prodlogs\server1

set MSSQL_HOME=c:\SQLServer

set PATH=c:program files\microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\binn;%PATH%

save and exit the file 

copy (from Lawson's website - this is the LSF9 install file) to c:\LSFInstall


in dos, switch to c:\lsf9install

run installscript.bat

from the same dos session., switch to c:\lsfinstall\lsfctwin09000004

java -jar lsfct.jar

choose create new environment

name the environment LSF9Prod

LID port : 1025

Base directory c:\LSF9prod (all other directories fill in)

Directory for java_home c:\jdk1.5.0_11

Security level : strict


Use the fully qualified domain names on this page.  Ie


Fully qualified domain name of the server you are installing on, http only, 80


Fill out the boxes in order with this info:


Fully qualified domain name of server you are installing on






Domainname (without the .com)


note: dn specifications cannot contain any spaces!  Install will fail at the end if they do


do not consume an existing LDAP user tree


nonsecure port : 82

secure port : 446

(you can check windows\system32\drivers\etc\services to find unused ports)


All passwords are lsf9, OS user to map single signon to is domainname\lawson (without the .com), all other boxes leave defaults


100 simultaneous db connections


SQL server




Sa password of your sql server




SQL server




Sa password of your sql server




store persistant data in c:\lsf9prod\law\persistdata







Open a new dos box and run ldifde command exactly as it is displayed on the install screen

password for server is lsf9


reboot and log back in to windows as administrator 

edit c:\lsfprod\enter.cmd,  Remove all @s at the beginning of existing lines.

add the following lines:

set JAVA_HOME=c:\JDK1.5.0_11

set PERL_HOME=c:\Perl

set COBDIR=c:\Netexpress\base

set Database_HOME=c:\program files\microsoft sql server\80\tools

set PATH=%PATH%;%COBDIR%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PERL_HOME%\bin;%Database_HOME%\binn

set WEBDIR=c:\lsf9prod\web

set WAS_HOME=c:\IBM\Websphere\appserver

set WAS_LOG=c:\IBM\Websphere\appserver\profiles\LSF9Prod\logs\server1

set IHS_HOME=c:\lsf9prod\web 

from a command prompt, switch to c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin and type:

loadusers -g domainname\LawsonDefault

response should be added gen UID=NTxxxxxxxx 

start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profiles>>LSF9>>administrative console>>Applications>>Enterprise applications>>Install

browse to c:\LSF9Prod\gen\assembly\components\ear\lawsec.ear

check "prompt only when additional information is required"

on step1: use all defaults

on step2: select all 4 modules, select server1 and lsf9 from the server list, click apply

on step3: select all 4 web modules, next to each module select LSFProd from the dropdown list

finish, save, and then select LSF9-security from the list of applications and start the application 

Install a new application>>browse to c:\LSF9Prod\gen\assembly\components\ear\bpm.ear

check "prompt only when additional information is required"

on step1: use all defaults

on step2: select the module, select server1 and lsf9 from the server list, click apply

on step3: select the web module, select LSFProd from the dropdown list

finish, save, and then select LSF9-BPM from the list of applications and start the application 

Install a new application>>browse to c:\LSF9Prod\gen\assembly\components\ear\IOS-ws.ear

check "prompt only when additional information is required"

on step1: use all defaults

on step2: select all 5 modules, select server1 and lsf9 from the server list, click apply

on step3: select the web module, select LSFProd from the dropdown list

finish, save, and then select LSF9-BPM from the list of applications and start the application 

start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profiles>>LSF9>>stop the server

start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profiles>>LSF9>>start the server 

from DOS go to c:\LSFProd\gen\bin and type


select LSF9 and press configure

go to the security tab

change the users group to domainname\Lawson_users

apply, OK, OK to close laconfig 

log in to LID (port 1025) as the user Lawson and type


job queue group: QUEUE1

job queue descriotion: QUEUE1

under job queue press F4 and select job queue 

save and exit

run laua

F6 >> define security class, create CLASS1 class with access to the logan data area

From the main screen of laua, select the Lawson user and press F6>> define user profile, add the security class CLASS1 and job queue QUEUE1 to the Lawson user profile 

From LID type


Add a user group ALL, desription is ALL, add the Lawson user to the ALL group 

From laua, select the Lawson user and press F6>>define user profile, add the ALL user group to the Lawson user profile 

install lasecadmin_09000004.exe (Lawson security administrator), default install 

From LID type

Ssoconfig -c

Password is lsf9

Select option 6 - Manage Lawson user identities

Select option 2 - Change existing identity

Lawson service name is SSOP

Resource ID is lawson

Identity is lawson

Password is lawson 

Run smoke tests:

log in to windows as Lawson

shell to DOS and go to c:\lsf9prod and run the following commands:


      lawsec off


go to services and stop the ibm application server lsf9 profile

download all Lawson LSF9 critical patches (I think there are 2 or 3 right now)

to c:\lsfinstall\patches

from DOS go to c:\LSFInstall\patches

For each patch, in numerical order, run:

      Java -jar patchname.jar

go to services and start the ibm application server lsf9 profile

from DOS type startlaw

start>>programs>>ibm websphere>>profiles>>LSF9>>administrative console>>applications>>Enterprise applications, stop BPM, IOS, and LawsonSecurity

for each application, check the application and press Update, make sure "replace entire application" is checked, use all defaults on step 1, remap the modules on step 2 

in websphere click on servers>.web servers, check lsf9web>>generate plugins, check lsf9web>>propagate plugin

go to services and stop and then start the ibm application server lsf9 profile

re-run smoke tests 

Install Lawson applications

copy amt_9008.exe (application maintenance toolkit) to c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin

Unzip file to c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin

copy amt_09000008P9.nt.exe (amt update) to c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin

Unzip file to c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin

As needed move files from c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin\bin to c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin

As needed move files from c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin\install to c:\lsf9prod\gen\install

There should not be c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin\bin and c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin\install directories 

Copy 803msp10[1].download.tar to c:\temp

Double click on the tar file and extract it to c:\temp 

Delete c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin\pldsetup 

From DOS run:

Lawsec off


From LID : cd c:\temp\803_msp10

Perl %gendir%\bin\lawappinstall update Productline

You will need a descryption key and client id

Perl %gendir%\bin\lawappinstall activate prod 

Cobcmp prod 

edit c:\lsf9prod\law\productline\microsoft for the database name and user (find the Microsoft file in your 803 environment - it's the same) 

Open LID and type dbdef, select prod and press F6, select database space from the list, type LSF9-productline in the database space, Type = Microsoft, Use Date Type = Yes, Segment Name = PRIMARY, Index Segment Name = PRIMARY 

Open LID and type dbdef, select prod and press F6, select data areas/data ids from the list, enter LSF9-productline in the database space 

from LID type

blddbdict productline

bldmsf2000ddl -U productline

dbreorg prod


copy and any crtical portal patches (in the form of file) to c:\temp

extract both zip files directly into c:\temp


from DOS go to c:\LSF9install and run enter.cmd

switch to c:\temp and run

java -jar portal.jar

choose Lawson Portal Core Files

choose "select an existing environment" and choose LSF9PROD from the dropdown list

when the install is finished, from c:\temp run

java -jar portal.jar

choose Lawson Portal Web Server Files

choose "create a new portal" and name the portal LSF9PRODPORTAL

document root directory is c:\lsf9prod\web

choose No for configure portal for standalone SA


run java -jar patchname.jar for each of the xml files in c:\temp


rename c:\lsf9prod\law\logan\work\lawsonld\lawsonld.portal to lawsonld

add c:\lsf9prod\gen\bin to the windows path environment variable



go to and log in as user Lawson

go to Lo920 and add a job:

Jobname: Lo920, run mode is "Update", press Add, Submit, Submit

From Portal home go to Rebuild Form Index >> rebuild


You're done J  Took me about 6 hours